British Tinnitus Association (BTA)

The BTA is a charity dedicated to help people with tinnitus and its associated conditions. The website is always being updated with the latest information.

Tinnitus Treatment is where the BTA have listed a number of treatments and gives their verdict on them. This page is continuously updated with the latest information and is designed so anyone can understand it.

Take On Tinnitus is the BTA’s free website for people with tinnitus where you can get support and information from other tinnitus travellers.

Support Groups are one of the most useful things you can do if you are struggling with your ears. The BTA have free online and face to face groups. I run two monthly online groups. One on the 2nd Monday of each month at 1930-2100 and one for 18-30’s which is run on 4th Monday of each month at 1900-2030.

The Call is a YouTube video the BTA have made to help people understand that there is help out there and they are not alone.