i am ear offers a range of Diagnostic Audiology and Hearing services.
Diagnostic Consultation
This is an appointment to provide information about your hearing difficulties. Many people do not know what help is available to them or which specialist to see first. This initial consultation is divided into three parts: understanding your hearing history; understanding your communication difficulties; and identifying a tailor-made management plan for you. This initial consultation can be face-to-face or online.
Tinnitus Workup
This is a diagnostic appointment to assess your tinnitus and hearing. The work up will consist of the following (unless a contraindication is identified): – hearing test, tympanometry, loudness discomfort level, tinnitus match and mask, otoacoustic emissions, diagnostic stapedial reflexes.
Sudden Hearing Loss Workup
This is a diagnostic appointment to assess your sudden hearing. The work up will consist of the following (unless a contraindication is identified) : – hearing test, tympanometry, otoacoustic emissions, diagnostic stapedial reflexes and speech audiometry.
Acoustic Reflex Thresholds
Ears naturally react to certain inputs of sound. This test measures this process. This diagnostic test is useful as prolonged noise exposure can lead to damage to this reflex and therefore a higher risk of noise induced communication difficulties.
Auditory Processing
Similar to Speech Testing this test is looking at the brains ability to process information that it receives from your ears. Performing this test will help the Hearing Therapist to understand if there are processing problems, the extent of them; and the most appropriate way of managing the disorder.
Pure Tone Audiogram (Hearing Test)
A pure tone audiogram will be performed, testing your hearing from 125Hz to 8kHz (possibly 16kHz if applicable). This is a key hearing test performed to identify your hearing levels. This test is useful as some people have an undiagnosed hearing loss and this is may show a correlation to their communication difficulties.
Loudness Discomfort Level
This test assists in the identification of a condition called hyperacusis. This is when you display a sensitivity to loud sounds, and can be common in those with communication difficulties.
Otoacoustic Emissions
This test measures how well one’s inner hair cells of the hearing organ are working. Problems with the hair cells can cause communication difficulties.
Speech Audiometry
Communication problems do not just come down to one’s ability to hear. It is also important to take into account one’s ability to distinguish. Speech audiometry will help your Hearing Therapist to understand your processing capabilities. It will involve you listening to words through a set of headphones, and repeating them. This is tested individually for each of your ears.
Tinnitus Match & Mask
This test matches your tinnitus in sound, pitch and loudness, and also helps us to understand the type of sound that will help us necessary to mask your tinnitus. This accurately builds a picture of your tinnitus and essentially would enable you to describe your tinnitus to someone else. This test is not necessary if you don’t have tinnitus.
Tympanometry (Pressure Test)
This test measures how well one’s middle ear is functioning. If a hearing impairment is present it helps us to understand the origin of the hearing loss. Problems with the middle ear can lead to a hearing impairment which can sometimes exacerbate communication difficulties.
Prices may change if further tests are required.