There are so many smart phone apps out there, which ones should I try?

It is worth trying a few. Sometimes you think you may like a sound at the start but after a while it becomes annoying. Find a sound that relaxes you. For those apps that have a cost, I would suggest just downloading the free versions first to see what different sounds they have before purchasing.

Below is a list of apps clients have said they have found useful. Some are to help mask tinnitus, some are for relaxation and mindfulness:-

Sleep Pillow by Fitness22 Ltd (Free/£2.99)
SleepBug by Arnt-Henning Moberg (Free/£1.99)
White Noise (Free) by TMSOFT.
Headspace: Guided Meditation and Mindfulness (Free)
Smiling Minds by Smiling Minds (Free)

​If you have any others that you have found useful please let me know and I’ll add it to the list.