The British Tinnitus Association knows how helpful it can be to speak to others who have tinnitus.
They have their Helpline, Webchat, unbiased information including webinars. They also have free support groups.
They also have a befriending programme which aims to help reduce the isolation felt by people with tinnitus through the use of the telephone or internet. They match individuals with tinnitus to someone they can call on for a friendly chat via telephone or email.
The befrienders are tinnitus’ version of a sober friend and one of the unique things that the BTA tries to offer people.
The other thing about the BTA is the support they give the Befrienders. I should know as once a month I lead the Befrienders Online meeting. Where we get to chat about how to support tinnitus travellers who are struggling on their journey.
If you want to help support tinnitus and are able to give some of your time. The Befrienders are a good way to do this. You can find information on the BTA website.